T-2 - 500k Dual Thumbwheel Controls


T-2 Thumbwheel controls are small, circuit board mounted units that can be used as a volume and tone control or as two volume controls. T-2's can be cut on into two separate units should you want to use single thumbwheels for any purpose.


T-2's use 500k audio taper thumbwheels and come complete with 24 inches of 5 conductor shielded mini cable and a 0.047mfd capacitor. T-2's are 1.5 inches in length x 0.9375 inch in width  (38.1mm x 23.8mm). Overall thickness is 0.144 inch (3.6mm).

All control units can mount to the underside of a sound hole lip on an acoustic or classical or to the underside of a floating pickguard with the supplied 3M VHB tape adhesive.
T-2 Thumbwheel controls are the same ones we use with our Artist II and Player endpin jack preamps. They will work properly with all magnetic pickups as well.

view instructions: pdf.